Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A note on my photos...

I take all of the pictures on this site, or have the photographers labeled. If you want a higher quality image to print out or something just drop me an email. If you use these and somehow make some cash off of them, throw some money my way. I need new skis. Otherwise enjoy, and remember, turning is for when stuff gets in your way.

Life in Big Sky

Here's a shot of Lone Peak early in the morning from the Spur Road turnoff.

Here's the East Face of Lone Peak labeled with most of the lines that go. Even in this low snow year, everything labeled has been ridden except for Donkey Slot. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Another shot of Wilson Peak with some dark clouds rolling in. This is one of my favorite Peaks to photograph. I don't remember if snow came with the clouds.

Saw this dude in the tram line. Think the patrollers should have a little chat with him? We hadn't really gotten much snow at this point in the year and the entire peak was slide for life conditions. Not kidding! I saw a few crashes where people slid around 1,000 feet. Turns out he's from France. Do all French people ski in blazers and cords?

I like this shot. The guy is like, "Where's the easy way down?" He he. He's got a killer scarf too.

"Maybe next time..."